Thursday 25 May 2017

Aristotle’s potentiality and actuality

This might be a story about death. It might be about dragonflies.

This might be a poem about death. It might be about my recent mental health.

This might be finding comfort in knowing I'm not accepted or not accepting. It's OK to not belong because others don't belong too.

There are no dragonflies on me.

This is:
Aristotle’s potentiality and actuality  

Saturn would float in enough water.
I Imagine its discs would dip and roll barely under the waves.
Like a capsized craft.
Or an underwater entity from way out of the depths.  

This silt sunk and settled down here.
A deathly knowledge, then, all can be excluded.
Electrical buoyancy.
Destined for displacement from some deep oceans.  

Under the water is welcoming coral.
Hold a soul-sized breath to be at the bright of the coral.
To be an added colour.
To forget so much of rejection to believe in it no longer . 

I visited the coral and saw myself.
Under grandiose waves I swam as part of its eco-system.
A bone vibration.
“I too am of shell”: held tight to your ear, tales I will tell.  

My bones soon compressed tho’
Turned oil slick, know fear of the water between the coral.
As life exhales death
The deep quietly excises oil, keeping coral unchanged.  

An oil slick trying. Slicking and trying.
Trying to dive to reach the coral lighting the water’s bed.
“Must be close to coral by now”
Only eyes like discs dip and roll barely under the surface.  

Fragile as bubbles. Thin and nervy.
Balanced finely on the very merest edge of water tension.
I cannot convey how mere.
More spheres floating on top of the ocean.
Existing together.
Loving in a lonely scape away from submerged coral.

Without atmospheric pressure.  

Was this death growing tired of life?
Floating gently from dreary acts laid way to new lifeless
Is this a push or a pull?
The jagged coral grows tired of the roundness.
The orb orbiting,
Sees the coral as jagged and can’t understand.  

Can’t stand the touching.  

Marble blackness:
Above the heavy dark water, emitting psychedelia.
To the corpse scape:
Iridescence spectrum swirling beyond the upwards
To the coral scape: 
Up from below grandiose waves, only the oil slick sky.

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