Tuesday 4 August 2015

Seven deadly sorrows

This the Greville and the Tombstones Led Zeppelin moment. The epic, mystic and puzzle of imagery. And like Zeppelin, this is a rock out number of sweat and head thrown back passion. But more like Greville and the Tombstones it should be imagined as a slow paced, slide guitar number, where the performer sways and occasionally stretches an arm out.

It is an attempt at the Sublime.

I hope the fans like it.


This is:
Seven Deadly Sorrows

With the chill of morning
Sorrow scented on the breeze
It razed my weary life
Like a sting
My heart holds the pain
Of seven deadly sorrows
It beats its wings of oil
Drips on me
The glimpsed blade
When love was crucified
The haunted arch
When nerves untied
The whetstone
When sharp faith had died
The poison court
When my guilty body tried
The monk’s rope
When my sin was hung
The wooden door
When my chorus sung
The shimmer girl
When my eyes were young
But still it didn’t help me
The preacher had condemned me
To seven deadly sorrows
Like a plague
My heart holds the pain
Of seven deadly sorrows
Each gaunt agony
Drips on me
The city like a cemetery
Undead all digging themselves
I see a girl, a coven of sorrows
I say "What's your name, Girl?"
Fixes me
She says "Seven Deadly Sorrows"
The sombre rook, the dreary spectre
The widow with her chain
The bound book and the divination rod
My medium, my mistress
She was seven deadly sorrows
And I met her on a morning
And no more
Life is a lonesome act
And I must die alone so soon
I won’t carry seven sorrows
But they’ll pass by my unkempt tomb
And will not stir the bone
But it still didn’t help me
Words engraved will aye be
To seven deadly sorrows
Like a curse
My heart holds the pain
Of seven deadly sorrows
Tears of peacock ink
Drips on me
The crawling sunrise, silent cloister
Prayers all gone cold
Doomed echo cries down damned crypt
My nurse, my tormentor
She was seven deadly sorrows
And I met her on a morning
And no more
Round behind the church
In summer and in autumn time
The graveyard is so colourful
Seven shades of perfect deadly vines
Of sorrow
Wild do the flowers grow
And no more
And no more
My sorrow filled life