Friday, 22 November 2024

Something throwaway for teeny-boppers

 It feels like a while since I wrote a love song for the kids to get into.

This is...
Something throwaway for teeny-boppers

Seance wind knocks in the crow feathered night.
Rain drives with the sound of cracking joint bones.
There's an unlocked graveyard, where what is carried in claws back out.
Over dripped tombs; from upstairs bedrooms; mother will be home soon.
We are cells in the body of a being that is trying to understand its purpose.
Surrounded by shapeless sea: shifting points of compass.
Under bleeding edge moon; only landmarks are our wounds; howling in tune.
Let's share in something throwaway.
A sunrise screaming at seven octillion atoms; death in its present state.
Let's get together to do something throwaway.
Hold each other down and dare to eat the fruitful flesh; defy the sky for aging.
Let's go and be something throwaway.
A spool of imagery blurred from lens flares; part of a circulatory system.
There's a nightclub that exists at the end, named the Four Horsemen.
It sells single cigarettes, private dances for necromancers, green fairies by the hour glass
Inside, names and histories are throwaway.
The Four Horsemen know there's a limit to everything and that is the limit of
The Place we are in and the weather outside is raging.
Let's fuck in a life that's throwaway.