Friday 25 August 2017

Night of the encroaching thoughts

I've been listening to a lot of electronic beats lately. This is the result.

Faith Bacon

Night of the encroaching thoughts:

Mechanised dust enters by window crack, 
Leaving trails of sawdust self back
In circular tracks
on the sill.
I think: This must be Lucifer!
 I curse.
It flips on its back:
wings pasted down
Weak dust legs cycling upwards
growing stiller
and still. 
Dust is dust.

Smokers with their ointments for pains.
Rubbed fastidiously into veins.
Flowers, bushes and earth
Scent the humid, coarse air.
Reminiscent of a hospital.
And, of course,
persistent rain. 
I must remember to take a second breath.
I’ve hidden too long in death.
Clung to it like a balloon,
won at a fare
by a lover,
tin rifle
dead dog stare

Move Heaven and Earth for connections.
I mistrust how
Angels sow seeds to grow affections.
I can’t see why
considered demons.  

Flesh beats as wanting, death is a bone.
Existing is lonely, dying is alone.
I’m hanging out in the water tank trick,
denying help.
And I’m painted out as the lunatic.
On the fringes
Of a social circle
I can’t get out of.

Playing with rotting corpses of people I once knew, behind.
Day-freak phantasies in period costume read rehearsed lines
I re-animate in my mind,
wasted embodiment, weak limbs hardly attached.
Dust is dust.
I must remember they’re
All longing acted out
by loathing heart.
I must remember to take a second breath.  

I find five million ways to get over you.
Then given five million and two,
To leave you dangling tie high over
Suffering pit
Sky scores thunder, darkens azure
I cast forsaken
with pitchfork
arrow tail tip.  

I must remember to take a second breath.
For these memories so final
That they live in death spirals of narrative, which weaves
Intricate tooled fragility into individual grieves.
Each little melancholic cog fastened to me.
A tree
Weighed with rusted scent leaves
In the autumn
heavy dew,
I draw up my fatal position.
My time passes, oh it passes.
The grieves glisten, oh they glisten
in the narrowing light
dejected I see
human condition.

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