Greville and the Tombstones are not very good at Halloween. But this little one seems appropriate for reading on a Halloween night. Listen and you might hear it through the wind, through the window, through the wall, through to morning.
This is:
A Perishing Lament
It’s not what fleshes our costumes.
It’s not the glow of a lantern,
flickering a face through a windowpane.
It’s a peculiarity which consumes.
A gothic, sloshing, formed within.
It’s an invisible foreboding without name.
It’s joining in a parlour game,
All silk dresses, paraffin lights and warm.
And sensing not all is tomfoolery intent,
Disguised by cinder toffee scent.
And the spirit moves on from you.
And the spirit moves on
Because of what you have done.
Watching players all sat in the round.
The Medium’s fingers of reed,
Flickering in refined ethereal breeze.
Listening out for your mortal sound.
The channelling is meant to mislead.
The panting in breasts as breaths freeze.
We’re joining your parlour game.
All creaks, knocks and earie manifest.
And moaning out eternal undying torment,
It’s a perishing lament.
And the spirit does rest
with you.
And the spirit does rest
Because of what you have done.