Tuesday 16 April 2024

I'm not throwing up because of my addiction, I'm throwing up because of what I'm addicted to


This is....

I'm not throwing up because of my addiction, I'm throwing up because of what I'm addicted to

Fear don't fail me now.
Fear be a tortured preacher.
Civility be a skeletal creature.
And I will die of complications.

Blind luck or dumb misfortune got me here.
Hanging like cat's cradle on hot tin roof.
Where I pretend like I'm not a product
of necessitations.
And I will die of complications.
Barely holding to the filthy midnight
sickly moonlight cobweb sail.
It just won't catch the wind on these oceans.
And I will die of complications.

Because life is about taking positions.
Putting bodies where they need to be.
The symptom not disease
Will cause me
To die of complications.
For someone what was will always be.
For someone what is will never be.
It's happening perfectly.
We absorb and spill out transcendence.
We caught each other's eye.
The ground beneath did not split apart,
to my surprise, I'm surprised.
I've been circling you circling myself
Bringing hindsight to a Prior Fight.
Duelling pistols drawn to our backs.
Reincarnation is something I can do without.
I study, appalled, at what once was there,
disgusted at what I now present.
I voice: "What's dead is dead, for all I care!"
But I don't really believe in it,
Nor in astrological confessions.
The stars align:
I will die of complications.
Sunlight shines through a petal.
The moonlight chills the bud.
Foxes aren't nocturnal
Instinctively they know the safest light to hunt.
And what is consciousness
If not a signal received from the mothership?
"So, let's get down to business
While we still can raise ourselves to the cause"
But I can't understand their insinuations
The winner doesn't change
Between philosophy and human remains
My death by complications
And what of apparitions
If not broadcasts intercepted from outer space?
Because the best of us are detuned actualisations
Never in quite the right time or place.
Just by being we distort the natural law
Resisting the inevitable,
the human conditions, the societal manipulations
Causing us to die of complications.

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